February 11 2025
Tuesday 11:57
EAJ  Registration

Already have an account?    Sign in.
Not yet a member?  Registration is free.

Fields with a red asterisk (*) are required.

Create Your EAJ User ID
User IDs must be at least 4 characters long, be lower case,
and may not contain any spaces or special characters.
Create Your Password *
Passwords must be at least 6 characters long
and we recommend it be an alphanumeric combination.
Re-enter Your Password *
First Name * Last Name (Family Name) *
Date of birth
* * *
Street Address *
Please type your (street) address as you would normally expect it to appear.
City *
State or Province *
Postal Code *
Country *  [Country] should be alphabetical letter.
Telephone number *
Telephone number 2
E-mail address *
Re-enter e-mail address
Validation   *
Please type the characters you see from the image on the right into the field on the left.
If you cannot easily see the characters, you may click on the image for a new set of characters

I am at least 18 years of age and accept both the User Agreement & Disclaimer & the Privacy Policy.